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Hang in there
Dance like Frosty, shine like Rudolph give like Santa smile like Buddy
Beware of dog - kids are shifty too
Collect moments not things
Dream without fear, Love without limits, Live without regrets
Every little thing is gonna be owl right
Grandpa 1. storyteller; fixer of toys; maker of mischief 2. a man who loves unco
I love you more than I can BEAR
If the broom fits... fly it!
Hunting is my favorite season
Running on Caffeine kisses and Christmas cheer
Be Someone's Sunshine When their Skies are Grey
Rise and Shine Mother Cluckers
Why fit in when you were born To Stand Out
Jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse
Maybe christmas perhaps... means a little bit more
Merry Christmas
Never miss a chance to tell your children you love them
Never stop making wishes