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Holiday Signs
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Warning dog has no respect for personal space
Today's little moments become tomorrow's precious memories
To the world you maybe one person, but to one person you may be the world.
The witch is in/out
The dishes are looking at me dirty again....
The laundry is looking at me dirty again....
Seeing is believing but sometimes the most real things in the world are the thin
Please excuse the mess our grandkids are making memories.
Our home has an open door policy, bring wine and we'll open the door
Oh look, it's wine o'clock
Not all who wander are lost
No humbugging
Never stop making wishes
Never miss a chance to tell your children you love them
Merry Christmas
Maybe christmas perhaps... means a little bit more
Jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse
If the broom fits... fly it!
I love you more than I can BEAR
I am enough